A dignified, accessible space for clients to live and play is essential to their journey toward stability.
$543,300 Goal
Our shelters provide 35 families experiencing homelessness with the opportunity to live in a comfortable, accessible environment, allowing them to focus on their path toward stability. Our Inn Between shelter units (4) located at 29 Holten Street need to be repaired and renovated to provide clients with a safe and dignified experience, so they can take advantage of the opportunities our programs provide.
The Covid-19 pandemic made the importance having of safe, outdoor space resoundingly clear. We are excited for the opportunity to build a playground at our Inn Between shelter, to allow for socializing between families and a location for the play groups, which serve as lifelines for our parents. The space serves as an outlet for our children to exercise, play pretend, engage with their parents, and socialize with others – all of which are essential components to healthy development. The children are the heartbeat of our organization and ensuring their well-being is vital to breaking the patterns of generational poverty.